
P. 11,例 1.4.1 (3),\(S_3(n)\) 的通项应为 “\(\frac{n^2(n+1)^2}{4}\)”。(感谢李令喜)(第二次印刷已修正)


P.30,第12行,“\(f_\ast E\to E\)”改为“\(f_\ast E\times E\to E\)”。(感谢王琦)(第二次印刷已修正)

P.66,倒数第2、4、9行,将”\(P^1_i(x)\)“改为”\(P^1_i x\)“。(第二次印刷已修正)

P. 67,第2行。”\(\forall x (Sx\not\approx 0)\)“添加注释:”为了增加可读性,我们在这里添加了括号,用来表示那些正式的公式 ‘\(\forall v_i (\neg\approx Sv_i 0)\)’。后文中的‘\(\forall x~(x\notin z)\)’、‘\(\forall a(e+a\approx a)\)’等,也是类似情况”。(霍sh建议)(第二次印刷已修正)

P.67 第8行。“\(\varphi(v_1)\)”记法首次出现,可添加交叉引用:“参考第71页关于该记法的说明。”(常ps建议)

P. 68,倒数第7行。”\(\forall a(\exists b(a+b\approx e))\)“改为”\(\forall a\exists b(a+b\approx e)\)“。根据简写规则前者会添加多余的括号。(霍sh建议)(第二次印刷已修正)



P.86,例4.52证明最后一行。“\(\exists x\varphi(x)\vee(\exists x\psi(x) … )\)”改为“\(\forall x\varphi(x)\vee(\forall x\psi(x) … )\)”,对“(\(V’\))”(未定义)稍加说明。(常ps建议)

P.126,定理7.1.13,“\(0\leq\leq n\)”改为“\(0\leq i\leq n\)”。(感谢曾千里)(第二次印刷已修正)

P.116,第3行,“则\(\Gamma’=\)同样的原子公式,\(\psi(v_k),\Delta\),”改为“则\(\Gamma’=\)同样的原子公式,\(\psi(v_k),\Delta,\exists x\psi(x)\),”。(感谢曾千里)(第二次印刷已修正)

P. 136,例 7.3.2, 7.3.3 中定义的\(R\), \(P_a\), \(R_a\)在格式上更显著的标出,并给出更多例子,方便读者阅读到后面的时候往回查找。(何jl建议)(涉及较多页码改动,第二次印刷未改动




P. 174,习题8.5.5,添加提示:对\(n>1\),令\(\sigma_n\)为命题\(\forall x(\bigvee_{0\leq y\leq n-1}x\equiv_n y)\)。对每个\(n>1\),尝试找到满足\(\sigma_i\)(\(i\leq n\))但并不满足所有\(\sigma_m\)的非标准模型。
例如,考虑非标准模型里面的元素都是形如\((q,i)\)的,其中\(q\)是一个\(\geq 0\)的有理数,\(i\)是一个整数;\(q=0\)时,\(i\)只能取自然数;直观上\(q>0\)时\((q,i)\)就是编码为\(q\)的\(Z\)链上的第\(i\)号;加法自然地取两个分量分别相加。要找到满足\(\sigma_i\)(\(i\leq n\))却不满足整个普莱斯伯格算术的模型。考虑上述模型的一个子模型。其中只允许形如\((m/N^k,i)\)的元素,其中\(N=n!\),\(m\)和\(k\)是自然数。(感谢曾千里)(涉及较多页码改动,第二次印刷未改动

P. 234,习题10.4.4,“\(\vdash_T\Box_{T’}\varphi\leftrightarrow\Box_T(\varphi\rightarrow\varphi)\)”改为“\(\vdash_T\Box_{T’}\psi\leftrightarrow\Box_T(\varphi\rightarrow\psi)\)”。(感谢曾千里)(第二次印刷已修正)

P. 240,第4行,“(Chang and Keisler, 1900)”改为“(Chang and Keisler, 1990)”(感谢曾千里)(第二次印刷已修正)

P. 156, 180, 181, 182, 206, 207, 208, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 227, 231, 232, 233, 234,“\(\vdash_T\)”用法统一为“\(T\vdash\)”。(第二次印刷已修正)

P. 187,定理9.1.26,“一个\(\Delta_1\)的公式”的表述有问题。P. 179页把对\(\Delta_1\)的定义基于“逻辑等价”,需要修正。(感谢姚宁远)

see also http://logic.fudan.edu.cn/book/ml2



第13页第3-4行:“并且读写头停在……读写头停在0上)”改为“并且读写头停在\(y\)­ 串的 最后一个 1 (如果有的话,不然 \(y = 0\) ,停在隔开原 \(x + 1\)­ 串与 \(y + 1\)­ 串的 0 ) 的右侧。”

第158页第一段:\(x,y\) 统一分别改为 \(\sigma,\tau\)。


第164页第9行:“\(C(\sigma)\leq |\sigma|-|\mu|…\)”改为“\(C(\sigma)\leq |\sigma|-|\nu|…\)”。

第169页倒数第5行:“对每个 \(\mu\)”改为“对每个 \(\tau\)”。



How to define membership relation from subset relation and power set operation

In my talk at 2018 Chinese Mathematical Logic Conference, I asked if \((V,\subset,P)\) is epsilon-complete, namely if the membership relation can be recovered in the reduct. Professor Joseph S. Miller approached to me during the dinner and pointed out that it is epsilon-complete. Let me explain how.


Let \((V,\in)\) be a structure of set theory, \((V,\subset,P)\) is the structure of the inclusion relation and the power set operation, which are defined in \((V,\in)\) as usual. Then \(\in\) is definable in \((V,\subset,P)\).


Fix a set \(x\). Define \(y\) to be the \(\subset\)-least such that

\[\forall z \big((z\subset x\wedge z\neq x)\rightarrow P(z)\subset y\big).\]

Actually, \(y=P(x)-\{x\}\), so \(\{x\}= P(x) – y\). Since set difference can be defined from subset relation and \((V,\subset,\{x\})\) can define \(\in\), we are done.


Here is another argument figured out by Jialiang He and me after we heard Professor Miller’s Claim.

Since \(\in\) can be defined in \((V,\subset,\bigcup)\) (see the slides). Fix a set \(A\), it suffices to show that we can define \(\bigcup A\) from \(\subset\) and \(P\).

Let \(B\) be the \(\subset\)-least set such that there is \(c\), \(B=P(c)\) and \(A\subset B\). Note that
\bigcap\big\{P(d)\bigm|A\subset P(d)\big\}= P\big(\bigcap\big\{d\bigm|A\subset P(d)\big\}\big).
Therefore, \(B\) is well-defined. Next, we show that
\bigcap\big\{d\bigm|A\subset P(d)\big\}=\bigcup A.
Clearly, \(A\subset P(\bigcup A)\). This proves the direction from left to right. For the other direction, if \(x\) is in an element of \(A\), then it is in an element of \(P(d)\) given \(A\subset P(d)\), i.e. it is an element of such \(d\).

Therefore \(\bigcup A\) is the unique set whose power set is \(B\).
